IE University - Marketing Strategies

How do you search for your perfect university?Is it via internet, newspapers or tv?
Most of the future-students use the internet in order to find their preferred course and final university.
But how do these universities manage to get the attention of their future-students?
Their media representation and reputation is one of the fundamental keys of becoming a considered university. IE University recognizes the need of getting the future-student's attention through their website and internet-advertisement. But nonetheless their procedure still needs to be improved in order to achieve a better marketing strategy. Therefore I would suggest one idea that would be more sufficient to reach their future-students better:

Providing a well-organized and accessible forum on their website which offers a better insight into the university by presenting current student's opinions and experiences.
Thereby the future-students would be able to establish contact with the IE-Students and get to know their personal opinion. This social interaction would enable new students to rely on true opinions except on the university's advertisements and website. However, with this forum IE University would differentiate itself from other universities and achieve a successful strategy to attract a greater number of future-students.

Google Hangouts vs. Skype

Communicating with my friends all over the world and being able to be in contact with a person via video chats is a really useful and important life-facilitation for me.
Skype was always a really comfortable tool for me to contact my friends but nonetheless I recognized that the video-chat program exhibits some difficulties if you want to set up a group-conversation with more than one contact-person. The images of the other persons become blurred and even sometimes get entangled in frozen positions.
After talking to some friends and professors at my university I heard many times of the great quality of
Google Hangouts if you want to talk to more than one person.
Although I already used Skype for many years I became curious what Google Hangouts had to offer and if there were any differences.
However,in order to start with Google Hangouts you have to create a Google + account and then can easily start a video-chat.
After creating a Google + account I invited some of my friends and established a ''circle'' (closed group) with four of them. During our video-chat, the person who talked was shifted to the mainframe in order that everybody could see him better. But we did not have any complications with blurred images or voices and the conversation proceeded in an easy and comfortable way.
If you compare it to Skype, we probably would have to disconnect the option of seeing the other's images in order to have a better connection.
So all in all I need to admit that Google Hangouts offers a better system for bigger video-chats.
The limit of these circles are 10 people.
I will still use Skype for one-to-one video chats, but if there are more than two or three people who want to participate in the chat I would definitely recommend to use Google Hangouts.

Google and the Press

''If it isn't on Google, it doesn't exist'' (Jimmy Wales)
Google could be seen as the dominator of our online world due to its largest web-based search-engine.
Starting from its evolution in 1996 the search-engine became an irreplaceable part of the internet nowadays. Their effort of contributing to almost every need of internet-users can be seen in their creation of certain programs, such as Google Maps, Google Earth, Google News, Google Mail, Google Finance etc. Whereas Google News is an automatic news-website and provides the users articles without demanding payments. The system choses and collects articles from other different websites and compiles them all in Google News.
For this reason many newspapers started accusing Google for violating the copyright and sued them for exploiting the newspaper for their own profit.
In France, the news and Google agreed upon Google's duty to enable the French news the successful entry into the world of digital literacy by facilitating their transition to the online websites with a onetime payment of a 60 million fund.
With this agreement Google declared itself ready to comply with teaching the newspaper how to take a step into the online world and increase their income not only in France but also in other European countries due to their financial complaints.
The ongoing and increasing number of internet-users worldwide represents a threat to the newspapers' business of paper formats. The majority of users do not see any reason for paying for the normal newspaper if they could also check the news comfortable infront of their computers.
Therefore the newspaper are forced to focus more on their online businesses in order to enable an increase of their incomes and to become successful competitors in the online market.
However, the agreement with Google gives them the perfect chance to use Google's help for establishing a good and stable position in the web in exchange for giving the permission to Google to collect their articles for Google News.
Google News has made until then a great development as it is shown that the majority of the newspaper articles are accessed by the internet-users through the search-engine.
But nevertheless one should esteem the newspaper's efforts and be aware of the Google uprising power which is already difficult to be tamed.

                                         Eric Schmidt and Hollande signing the contract


This blog was only created for sharing my interests. There will be posts about music and photography. 
Whereas the photographies will be from myself and capture the uniqueness of other people.
Music is a very important part of our everyday lifes and therefore I see it as a duty to promote good 
music from the classical to the electronic category. But nonetheless it is just for fun and I hope 
to motivate and animate other people with my passion and interest. 
However, I will explain the emergence of my pictures and how I proceeded with developing them.
As I am a very passionated musician I follow all the music updates in today's society but also spend much of my time in the old sectors of music eras.
So meanwhile take a look at my pictures that I've done so far and I will keep you updated with more information.
The pictures below are a collection from the year 2012 in summer. They are located in Munich (Germany) and in Sevilla (Spain). Thereby several friends were so kind to pose in front of my camera. Some pictures are combined with fashion aswell.



Angel sights